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Giant Sing Along

Group Karaoke for all ages at the
Minnesota State Fair

A field of microphones for all to come together and sing The installation is an open invitation for participants to sing their hearts out, karaoke style, celebrating the magic of singing together.


Participants connect with one another, building upon the contagion of this uplifting activity and sharing in a collective musical experience. Beyond beautiful voices, it’s about living a communal experience; the pleasure comes from doing it together.


The system integrates different sound technologies to stimulate participation. A sound processing system auto-tunes the voices, lightly adjusting the pitch and reverb so that anyone, even the ones less skilled at singing, can sound good, and feel comfortable taking part.


The songs featured at the Giant Sing Along have been chosen by its public prior to the event, ideally around the time of its announcement. Taking advantage of the excitement around the up and coming event, people are invited to send songs they would love to sing along to, via a simple web interface, possibly hosted on the event’s official website.


A project with Daily tous les jours

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